Learning activities for unemployed (pdf)

The economic and social changes in community dictated public libraries to establish new services for groups of users who are disadvantage. As objectives of the project LinkINjob partners exposed: developing learning activities for unemployed with unconventional methods and use of ICT and some new competences and knowledge will be stressed that are important for better equipped unemployed in job hunting (computer and information literacy, entrepreneurship). As unemployed are a heterogeneous group the libraries adapted learning activities to the needs of smaller groups of unemployed and run learning activities for these seven groups: long term unemployed, old workers, less educated, women, migrants, people with special needs and first job seekers.
Partners run together 32 learning activities and 10 are based on ICT. In learning activities were included 350 participants.

Analysis of learning activities (pdf)

In past most public libraries monitor their performance using a range of input and output measures. Input measures may include staff numbers, collection size, user space, funds allocated, etc. Output measures may include training sessions held, loans, user attendance at events, partnerships formed, etc. In recent years there has been an increasing emphasis on the measurement of outcomes rather than inputs and outputs. This is because it is outcomes that capture the effect of usage, which is the real value that the service delivers for the end user. There are different categories of outcomes – economic, social, learning, research.

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